Shortcut di Adobe After Effect

Shortcut di Adobe After Effect
Adobe After Effects dapat didefinisikan sebagai aplikasi program yang dirancang untuk menghasilkan efek khusus dan grafik gerak yang digunakan dalam konten yang tersedia online, video, dan presentasi. Pintasan After Effects tersedia di platform Windows dan Mac OS. Ini digunakan secara luas untuk pasca-produksi digital film, televisi, DVD, video, animasi dan produksi efek khusus. After Effects merupakan bagian dari Adobe Creative Cloud.
Shortcut di Adobe After Effect
Muncul dengan seperangkat alat 2D dan 3D yang luas yang dapat digunakan untuk animasi, efek, dan penggabungan yang diperlukan oleh seniman efek visual, profesional grafis gerak, profesional film dan video, serta perancang web. Saat menggunakan perangkat lunak apa pun, tombol pintas membantu Anda menghemat waktu sehingga meningkatkan efisiensi dan kecepatan. Banyak tombol pintas disediakan oleh After Effects.

Keyboard Shortcuts Keys for After Effects

Shortcut Keys
Basic Shortcut Keys
Allows you to choose all CtrlA
Allows you to deselect all. F2/CtrlShiftA
Allows you to make a duplicate of the chosen masks, layers, effects, etc CtrlD
To quit the tool CtrlQ
Rename the chosen folder, layer, etc. Enter
Open chosen composition, layer or footage item numeric keypad
Move chosen layers or other elements forward or backward in an arranging order CtrlAltArrow Up
Elements forward or backward in an arranging order CtrlAltShiftArrow Up / Arrow Down
You can open the preferences dialog box with this. CtrlAlt;
Transform Properties
Used for point of interest, lights, and cameras, etc. A
The position property is revealed using this key. P
The scale property is revealed using this key S
The opacity property is revealed for intensity and lights using this key T
The audio level’s property can be shown using this key. L
The mask feather property can be shown using this key F
The mask path property can be shown using this key M
Effects property group can be shown using this key E
Properties only with expressions or keyframes are shown using this key U
Helps you to hide group or property. ShiftH
Shortcuts for Workspaces, Viewers, Windows, and Panels
This opens or closes the project panel. Ctrl0
This opens or closes the render queue panel. CtrlAlt0
This opens or closes the tools panel. Ctrl1
This opens or closes the info panel. Ctrl2
This opens or closes the preview panel Ctrl3
This opens or closes the audio panel Ctrl4
This opens or closes the presets and effects panel Ctrl5
This opens or closes the character panel Ctrl6
This opens or closes the paragraph panel Ctrl7
This opens or closes the paint panel Ctrl8
This opens or closes the brushes panel Ctrl9
This opens the flowchart panel to be used for the project flowchart CtrlF11
This closes the active panel or viewer CtrlW
Swift Access To The Hand Tool
Choosing the hand tool, you can just hold the spacebar and drag Space bar
Zoom In-to The Timeline
You can zoom into or out of the vital areas on your timeline by pressing + or – + /
Work Area And Compositions
This opens a new composition CtrlN
B sets the beginning and N sets the end of the work region to the present time. B / N
This opens the composition settings dialog box for the chosen composition CtrlK
This opens the composition mini flowchart for composition that is active Tab
Tool Activation
This helps you to cycle through the tools Alt click tool button in the tools panel
This helps in the activation of the selection tool. V
This helps in the activation of the hand tool H
This helps in the activation of the rotation tool W
This helps in the activation of the root brush tool AltW
This helps in the activation and to move through the camera tools C
This helps in the activation of the pan behind tool Y
This helps in the activation and to move through the mask and shape tools. Q
This helps in the activation and to move through the type tools CtrlT
This helps in the activation and to move between the pen and mask feather tools. G
This helps in the activation and to move through the clone stamp, brush, and eraser tools CtrlB
This helps in the activation and to move through the puppet tools. CtrlP
Time Navigation Shortcut Keys
If you want to reach out to a particular time, then you can use this shortcut AltShiftJ
Helps in reaching out to the beginning or the ending of the work region. ShiftHome / ShiftEnd
Helps to reach out to the previous item in the time ruler. J
Helps to reach out to the next item that is visible in the time ruler K
Helps to reach out to the layer Out-Point O
Helps to reach out to the layer In-Point I
Helps to reach out to the present time in the timeline panel D
Shortcuts For Layers
Helps to create a new solid layer CtrlY
Helps to create a new adjustment layer CtrlAltY
Helps in deselecting all the layers CtrlShiftA
Helps to create a new null layer CtrlAltShiftY
Helps you to move to the uppermost chosen layer present X
3-Dimensional Layers
This switches to the 3D view 1 F10
This switches to the 3D view 2 F11
This switches to the 3D view 3 F12
Helps you to come back to the previous view Esc
Helps in creating a new light. CtrlAltShiftL
Helps in creating a new camera CtrlAltShift C

After Effects melayani banyak tujuan seperti pelacakan 3D, pelacakan 2D, penutupan, penguncian, pengomposisian, efek visual, animasi, dll. Untuk melakukan tugas-tugas ini secara efisien dan untuk menghemat waktu Anda dapat menggunakan tombol pintas. Alih-alih menggunakan mouse terus-menerus, Anda dapat menggunakan tombol pintasan penting ini untuk mempercepat tugas-tugas yang ada. aftereffect tutorial

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